Having enough hours of sleep remain the body and brain promoting a better mental and physical performance in addition it improves your abilities of learning, activity performance and memory
People who get few hours of sleep would endure a greater risk of some health complications such as; high blood pressure, diabetes, strokes, heart diseases, obesity and kidney diseases
.Getting the recommended amount of sleep can be hard with our daily responsibilities
:However people should consider the hours of their sleep according the following
- Infants should get at least 14-17 hours of sleep a day, newborns wake up only to eat every few hours
- Children from 2-12 years old need around 10-12 hours a day as they are at the growth phase of life
- Teenagers 13-18 years old need between 8-9 hours
- Adults and older people should have 7 or more hours a night to keep a better health performance
As a result getting only six hours of sleep is a poor amount of sleep and could lead to mental and physical disorders